1、grape[英][greɪp][美][ɡrep]n.葡萄; 深紫色,葡萄紫; 复数:grapes例句:1. 提子2. 葡萄色3. 葡萄4. 葡萄紫例句:1Stink bugs have destroyed her entire grape harvest. 臭虫已经摧毁了她整个果实累累的葡萄园。
2、2In northern italy, the same grape is known as pinot grigio. 在意大利北部,同样的这种葡萄被称为pinot grigio。
3、3Grape wine is not new to china-archaeologists have found traces in shandong that date back thousands of years. 葡萄酒对中国来说不是新兴事物-考古学家已经在山东发现了数千年前葡萄酒的痕迹。
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